Promoviendo interacción entre estudiantes de Simpson College y estudiantes en el mudo hispano para que mejoren su conocimiento de un idioma extranjero y que puedan aumentar su conocimiento de otras culturas y aprendan a apreciarlas. Promoting interaction between students from Simpson College and the Spanish-Speaking world in order to help students to improve their skills in a foreign language and expand their knowledge about other cultures and learn to appreciate them.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Muchas Gracias a Todos!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
La Salud y el Bienestar
Natalie bebe agua para mantenerse sano |
Charlie corre para mantenerse saludable |
Bethany come la ensalada para mantenerse saludable |
En los Estado Unidos creemos que todo el mundo tiene derecho a cuidados de salud, porque queremos que todos vivan en buen estado de salud. La atención sanitaria es un derecho en los Estado Unidos.
¿Qué tu pueblo en su cultura hacer para mantenerse saludable?
¿El cuidado de salud asequible en su país?
¿hay estereotipos de la salud en su país?
Friday, April 13, 2012
La Salud y el Bienestar
Courtesy: Kevin Richardson/Naturally Intense
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Los Pasatiempos y Las Diversiones
Doug, Kira, y Lauren |
Doug hace la tarea de español |
Lauren y Kira con amigos a la playa |
En los universidades hay muchos actividades. Los estudiantes hacen fiestas, van a partidos de deportes, juegan los deportes, miran la tele, beben cervezas, van a el bar y discotecas, van a conciertos, van a el cine, dan un paseo y pasan tiempo con amigos.
Kira juega sofbol |
Doug a la fiesta |
Lauren y su hermana a el partido de fútbol americano |
Doug participa en el teatro |
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Las Diversiones y los Pasatiempos
En los EEUU, más personas trabajan cuarenta horas en una semana. En un día más personas trabajan de a las nueve de la mañana a cinco de la tarde. De lunes a viernes es nos típica semana de trabajar. Más empleadores dan uno o dos semanas de vacaciones en un año. Pero, algunas personas no usan todos los días de vacaciones.
Algunos común actividades de diversiones en los EEUU, son leer, ir al cine, ir de compras, practicar o mirar deportes, ejercicio, dormir, jugar los videojuegos, dar un paseo, montar un bicicleta, hacer camping, ir a un bar, tomar el sol, escuchar música, hacer una fiesta, y muchos otros actividades.
Los estudiantes universitarios son muy ocupado, pero en sus diversiones duermen, estudian mucho, van a fiestas, van a un bar, van a partidos de universidad, van de compras, van al cine, van a unos conciertos, y participan en los deportes de divertido (en los EEUU, llamamos este intramurals).
Hannah con amigas a partido de fútbol americano en Simpson College
Mitch con amigos despues después de ganando partido de intramurals
Los deportes en los EEUU son muy importante en nos cultura. El fútbol americano, el baloncesto, y el béisbol son más común deportes. Más personas tratar de juegan deporte en sus niñez. Nos cultura es muy competitivo, en los deportes y en más otros actividades.
La música es muy importante en nos cultura también. Más personas tienen iPods y otros productos de música de Apple. La música, el arte, y el teatro son tan importantes como los deportes, pero no tan populares como los deportes.
En los EEUU, son competitivo en los deportes, en trabajo, en la escuela, y en nos vidas porque nos gustan ganar, nos gustan tener éxito, y es un costumbre en nos cultura.
¿Qué deportes es muy populares en tu cultura?
¿Es tu cultura competitiva?
¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
¿Qué es tu horario típico todos los días?
El tiempo libre en España.
In this post I’ll tell you a little about the freetime.
From my point of view, we don’t have a lot of free time, just at weekends. Even though we finish our work timetable soon, we have to dedicate the free time for doing the housework or maybe studying.
From Monday to Thursday we usually go to languages classes (cursos para aprender Ingles, Frances o Aleman). Also we go to the gym or practice some sports.We're very competitive, we're always proud of what we can do and our victories.
Running,cycling, play tennis, paddle, or football (soccer): It's the most common sports here.
a race. the number 148 is me.
Football is the most important sport in Spain. We play football with friends and watch our favorite team's matches.
At night people often watch the TV with the family, and chat with friends trought Skype or MSN.
The teens,nowadays, are really interested in attend to dance’s classes, it was a consequence of a TV program called “Fama” (contest about dance) (I confess:I used to go to dance's classes, now I prefer go to the gym). Here you are an example:!
He was my teacher
At weekend, we go out at night. Here, you need to be 18 years old for go to the pubs. The younger people drink just for the fact of get drunk. When you're getting to the 22's is more a question of drink something while you talk with your friends. the B plan, is go to the cinema or go bowling.
I notice that as we get older we prefer to stay at home and have dinner with your friends than go out.
When is really good time, we do hiking, visit the zoo or the amusement park.
If we have some money, the trend is go to musicals, theatres and concerts.
As I see, the activities that we do, depend in where we live and the amount of money that we could have. I live in a town near Madrid (Pinto) and people now is starting to do a lot of exercise: running, cycling, or just walking at the park. As far as I concerned, it’s because is the cheapest way to spend the time, and It’s really good for the health.
Nice place, don't you think so?
¿Qué hacéis vosotros en el tiempo libre?
¿Practicáis algún deporte?
¿Hacéis alguna actividad con vuestra familia?
¿Qué soléis hacer con vuestros amigos?
Next week I'll be in my Easter's holidays. :) pero espero leeros muy pronto.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Los dias festivos en España
My name is Ester, I’m 21 years old and I’m from Madrid, Spain. I will be a new author on the blog.
I’ve been studying English since I was 5 years. I would be very grateful If you could correct my mistakes.. I’m here to share with you the culture of my country, or my view of the country.
I’m doing my teacher training. I love music, dancing, and singing. I like to watch HIMYM, The big bang theory and Glee.
So, Let’s start… Today you will learn about the holidays and celebrations in Spain. Let’s go month by month
The 1st January is New Year Day, and we usually eat with the family.
The 5th January takes place the cabalgata de los Reyes It is a parade of floats symbolizing the coming of the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem. In Spain is the day when gifts are exchanged. it’s very special for children cause there are a lot of toys for them, and presents for the adults, of course.
14th we celebrate St. Valentine’s day. It’s up to the couple how they celebrate it: with a present, with a surprise, a dinner. Some people find this day materialist.
such a colorful party, with costumes and parties everywhere. Children dress up at school. There are a lot of parades, and contests. Our best Carnival is Cadiz’s Carnival: where they have a contest of chirigotas. each chirigota create a song with humor about national news. An example:
Las fallas: (10th-19th) It takes place in Valencia. Each neighbourhood of the city has an group of people, that works all year long and produces a construction known as a falla which is eventually burnt. Is a festival in commemoration of Saint Joseph.
Easter: Each city and town has its own accent on its celebrations. They all differ but in common they all colour, culture, music, all with a very religious meaning. Everywhere, processions make their way through the streets, carrying religious icons and symbols of their faith. Seville has the most beautiful images and there are over 100 of these images.
La feria de abril de Sevilla, a huge party with the stereotypes of Spain(flamenco and toros)
May: Worker’s day and San Isidro(local party in Madrid. There is a festival. People dress up like chulapos/as. Chulapos and chulapas are the real citizens of Madrid, those whose families have lived in Madrid for generations. In the local festivity of San Isidro on the 15th of May the get dressed with these typical costumes)
The festival of San Fermín (7th-14th July) in the city of Pamplona, The festival starts by setting off the pyrotechnic "chupinazo". End at midnight of 14 July, with the singing of the Pobre de Mi. Its most famous event is the encierro, or the running of the bulls.
La tomatina: is a festival that is held in the Valencian town of Buñol. The participants throw tomatoes and get involved in this tomato fight purely for fun. The festival has its origin in a street fight in 1945.
In August every town has his own religious festivals, and verbenas.
El dia de la Hispanidad: celebrate the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas, It’s a national holiday and also the Day of the Armed Forces celebrated each year with a military parade in Madrid.
Halloween: not very common, but some people dress up, and go to the pubs to have some fun.
All Saints' Day: people often go to cemeteries to make flower offerings
Dia de la Constitucion Española: 6th December. Is a holiday in Spain and various events are held in honor of the 1978 constitution.
22th December: It Is not a holiday, but If you have a ticket you could win one of the biggest prizes of the National Lottery ”El Gordo”. The whole country has the hope to win a prize.
Christmas Eve. We have dinner with the extended family and we play to some table-games
Christmas: we exchange the presents that Santa has brought us.
New Year’s Eve: We have dinner with the closer family, and at midnight we eat 12 grapes. Then we drink champagne. the young people, from age 18, usually go out with their friends after midnight
We don't have any typical food for those dates. Some roast in the oven, potatoes, ...
I hope that you like my post!:)